Oral Presentation
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ID | Title | Authorship | Institution | Session | View abstract |
102 | Social Capital as a Protective Resource during the covid-19 Pandemic | Sven Stadtmüller1, Andreas Klocke1 | 1Frankfurt University, Germany | 4.1 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence | |
103 | Growing disparities in youth development. The effect of family affluence on health and well-being | Andreas Klocke1, Sven Stadtmüller1 | 1Frankfurt University, Germany | 3.3 SESSION: Family, economic inequalities | |
104 | Examination of subjective well-being in children and adolescents living in adverse conditions and receiving support from the child and adolescent protection system in Chile | Miguel Salazar Muñoz1, Carme Montserrat Boada2, Jaime Alfaro Inzunza3 | 1Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; 2Universidad de Girona, Spain; 3Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile | 6.4 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents (communications in Spanish) | |
106 | Gender discrimination of female Arab teenagers in Israel and their involvement in severe violence: the mediating role of closeness to parents | Lana Jeries-Loulou1 | 1The Hebrew Univesity of Jerusalem, Israel | 6.1 SESSION: Maltreatment, violence and bullying | |
110 | A Sense of community at school and the subjective well-being of Chilean students | Alejandra Villarroel Gutiérrez1, Jaime Alfaro1, Fernando Reyes1, Gisela Carrillo1, Loreto Ditzel1 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2 | 3.4 SESSION: Subjective well-being and contexts of life (communications in Spanish) | |
117 | The rights and well-being of Estonian children in substitute care | Judit Strömp1 | 1Tartu University, Estonia | 1.2 SESSION: Child well-being development practices | |
120 | Individual and familial factors as mediators and moderators of young children?s aggressive behavior | Mona Khoury-Kassabri1, Iris Zadok1, Rana Eseed1 | 1Hebrew University, Israel | 3.3 SESSION: Family, economic inequalities | |
128 | Shared concern is half the concern: satisfaction with classmates and life as a student among the Estonian and Finnish children who have experienced bullying at school | Mai Beilmann1, Kadri Soo1, Dagmar Kutsar1 | 1University of Tartu, Estonia | 6.1 SESSION: Maltreatment, violence and bullying | |
132 | Social support network and child care: an analysis of working mothers in the Northeastern region of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, during the covid-19 Pandemic | Karla Renata Corrêa Viana1 | 1CHILDFUNDBRASIL, Brazil | 7.2 SESSION: Poverty, deprivation, material well-being and inequality (communications in Portuguese) | |
134 | It is not enough to survive: the right to well-being in early childhood | Carolina Terra1 | 1International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood, Brazil | 1.5 SESSION: Measurement issues and rights related to child well-being (communications in Portuguese) | |
135 | Contact or distance learning, this is the question! Political decisions in education challenging children?s well-being during the covid-19 pandemic: children?s perspectives in Estonia | Kadri Soo1, Dagmar Kutsar1 | 1University of Tartu, Estonia | 4.1 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence | |
138 | Time use among children home alone in Khomas region, Namibia | Fabiane Friedrich Schutz1, Ishika Obeegadoo1, Shelene Gentz2, Mónica Ruiz-Casares1 | 1McGill University, Canada; 2University of Namibia, Namibia | 5.3 SESSION: Subjective well-being, use of time and education | |
139 | Bullying victimisation and children?s subjective well-being: a comparative study in seven Asian countries | Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo1, Ferran Casas2 | 1Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia; 2University of Girona, Spain | 6.1 SESSION: Maltreatment, violence and bullying | |
143 | Rights and overall life satisfaction of 10- and 12-year-old children in three countries | Ferran Casas1, Lívia Bedin2, Mònica González-Carrasco1, Jorge Castellá Sarriera2, Jaime Alfaro3 | 1University of Girona, Spain; 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; 3Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile | 1.1 SESSION: Cross-country approaches to child well-being and indicators | |
147 | Designing youth advisory groups for a large European project: balancing scientific imperatives and children?s meaningful participation | Farwa Batool1, Jessica Ozan1 | Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom | 4.2 SESSION: Innovations in research design | |
148 | School and relationships: contribution to the subjective well-being of migrant children | Fabiane Friedrich Schutz1, Diana Miconi2, Mónica Ruiz-Casares1 | 1McGill University, Canada 2Université de Montréal, Canada | 3.5 SESSION: Well-being, urban mobility and socio-demographic aspects | |
150 | The relationship between being a victim of adolescent intimate partner violence and proactive aggression, what about empathy? | Paulina A. Sánchez1, María del Carmen Tejada1, Jorge J. Varela1; Francisco Céric1 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2Hebrew University, Israel; 3Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile; 4University of Girona, Spain | 6.4 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents (communications in Spanish) | |
151 | Family type differences in children?s satisfaction with people they live with and perceptions about their (step)parents parenting practices | Oliver Nahkur1, Dagmar Kutsar1 | 1University of Tartu, Estonia | 3.3 SESSION: Family, economic inequalities | |
152 | Dialogue with a metaphorical character: an innovative strategy to capture children's experience | Christine Gervais1, Naïmé Daoust-Zidane2, Johanne Thomson-Sweeny2, Isabel Côté1 | 1Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada; Canada; 2Université de Montréal | 4.2 SESSION: Innovations in research design | |
155 | Walking to school or On our way to school | Nashieli Ramírez Hernández1, Gerardo Sauri Suárez1 | 1Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México, Mexico | 4.4 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence (communications in Spanish) | |
158 | The #BeeWell project: making young people's wellbeing everybody's business | Jose Marquez1, Neil Humphrey1, Louise Black1 | 1University of Manchester, United Kingdom | 4.2 SESSION: Innovations in research design | |
164 | Small and overlooked - is infancy a blind spot of childhood studies? | Tatjana Dietz1 | 1Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany | 1.2 SESSION: Child well-being development practices | |
166 | The special depositions and the protection of children's subjectivity as perceived by the technical team | Maristela Sobral Cortinhas1, Maria Sara de Lima Dias1 | 1Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil | 4.5 SESSION: Adoption, protection and hospitalization (communications in Portuguese) | |
167 | What do Brazilians think are the necessities of life for children? | Flávia Manuella Uchôa de Oliveira1, Shailen Nandy2, Ana Elisa Spaolonzi Queiroz Assis3; Luis Renato Vedovato3 | 1Universidade Nove de Julho, Brazil; 2University of Cardiff, United Kingdom; 3Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil | 7.2 SESSION: Poverty, deprivation, material well-being and inequality (communications in Portuguese) | |
168 | The profile of the victim of rape of vulnerable children in Brazil | Maristela Sobral Cortinhas1, Maria Sara de Lima Dias1 | 1Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil | 1.5 SESSION: Measurement issues and rights related to child well-being (communications in Portuguese) | |
170 | Urban mobility and subjective well-being among Brazilian children | Miriam Raquel Wachholz Strelhow1, Cibele Mariano Vaz de Macêdo2 | 1Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil; 2Universidade Ibirapuera, Brazil | 3.5 SESSION: Well-being, urban mobility and socio-demographic aspects | |
173 | Perception of problematic consequences of the use of different ICTs by adolescents and their relationship with subjective well-being | Sara Malo1, Maria de las Mercedes Martín-Perpinyà1, Mònica González-Carrasco1, Ferran Casas1, Xavier Oriol Granados1 | 1University of Girona, Spain | 5.3 SESSION: Subjective well-being, use of time and education | |
183 | Subjective well-being and social support network of children and adolescents in institutional care in the covid-19 pandemic | Luana Figueira Silva1, Lívia Maria Bedin1, Stéphanie da Selva Guimarães1 | 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 7.2 SESSION: Poverty, deprivation, material well-being and inequality (communications in Portuguese) | |
184 | Imprints of the past in childhood - two approaches, one outcome: past and context matters | Johanna Wilmes1, Tatjana Dietz1 | 1Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany | 4.3 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents | |
187 | Rights of children and well-being: a qualitative study from the perspective of Porto Alegre?s children | Angela Cuadrado Spolidoro1, Jorge Castellá Sarriera1, Lívia Maria Bedin1, Caroline Pires1, Stéphanie Guimarães | 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 6.4 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents (communications in Spanish) | |
188 | Adolescents? wellbeing in the United Arab Emirates: investigating geographic and socio-demographic variation and correlates | Jose Marquez1, Louise Lambert2 | 1University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates | 3.5 SESSION: Well-being, urban mobility and socio-demographic aspects | |
189 | ?Vite a Colori?. Children?s and young people?s experiences and perceptions of covid-19 and responses to it in Italy | Francesca Viola1, Maria Rosaria Centrone1, Gwyther Rees1 | 1UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Italy | 1.3 SESSION: Challenges in the face of the pandemic | |
190 | Reflective piece: ethical and methodological lessons learnt in carrying out qualitative research with adolescents in times of crisis | Francesca Viola1, Gwyther Rees1 | 1UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Italy | 6.3 SESSION: Measurement Issues related to child well-being and understanding children´s lives | |
197 | Mission impossible? Attempting to construct global, cross-country comparable, regular and child driven International Child Vulnerability Index | Oliver Nahkur1 | 1University of Tartu, Estonia | 1.1 SESSION: Cross-country approaches to child well-being and indicators | |
198 | Socio-economic Inequality and differential access to digital technologies for children in Argentina | Jorge Paz1, Alberto Minujin2 | 1CONICET ? IELDE, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina; 2 The New School, United States of America | 1.4 SESSION: Material conditions and subjective well-being (communications in Spanish) | |
203 | The decline of non-monetary child deprivation in Argentina: 2004-2021 | Jorge Paz1, Sebastián Waisgrais2 | 1CONICET ? IELDE, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina; 2UNICEF Argentina | 1.4 SESSION: Material conditions and subjective well-being (communications in Spanish) | |
207 | A multidimensional child poverty indicator proposal for Brazil using Brazil?s National Household Survey (PNAD Continua) | Willian Washington Wives1, Victor Ferreira Antunes De Oliveira1, José Gilberto Rodrigues Boari1 | 1UNICEF, Brazil | 5.4 SESSION: Child-focused indicators of social trends and policies | |
208 | Business, human rights and child labour in India?s cotton industry | Andrea C. Khan1 | University of Ottawa, Canada | 4.3 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents | |
210 | A large-scale parenting program to prevent violence against children: evaluation of the facilitators training at a state-level | Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim1, Rafaela Jürgensen1, Luiza Machado dos Santos1, Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares1 | 1Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil | 6.1 SESSION: Maltreatment, violence and bullying | |
213 | Study into the hospitalization of children and adolescents in long-term care institutions for people with disabilities in the state of São Paulo | Flavia Blikstein1, Alberto Olavo Advincula Reis2 | 1Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil; 2Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil | 4.5 SESSION: Adoption, protection and hospitalization (communications in Portuguese) | |
214 | Whu Neeh Nee: building a new carrier Sekani child and family well-being model | Warner Adam1, Wayne Hall1, Ian Simpson1, Mary Teegee1, Sarah Weddell1 | 1Carrier Sekani Family Services, Canada | 3.3 SESSION: Family, economic inequalities | |
216 | Chronopolitics and networks as vital indicators in the field of childhood and adolescence | Flavia Blikstein1, Maria Cristina Gonçalves Vicentin2 | 1Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil; 2Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil | 1.5 SESSION: Measurement issues and rights related to child well-being (communications in Portuguese) | |
219 | Risk and protection factors in adolescents with self-injurious behavior in a mental health service | Manuela Almeida da Silva Santo1, Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio1, Lívia Maria Bedin1 | 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 5.5 SESSION: Physical and mental health (communications in Portuguese) | |
220 | Rights of Chilean children in covid-19 pandemic from their own perspective | Fernando Reyes Reyes1, Estefania Manosalva Arriagada1, Belen Muñoz Morales2 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile | 6.4 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents (communications in Spanish) | |
223 | Primary education in the new migratory context. Challenges for the construction of an inclusive educational policy in Uruguay | Sofia Minchilli Patrón1 | 1Universidad de la República, Uruguay | 3.4 SESSION: Subjective well-being and contexts of life (communications in Spanish) | |
227a | RapidLearn: real time assessment of primary students? distant learning and family wellbeing during covid-19 in Mozambique | Rafael Pontuschka1, Carlos Lauchande2 | 1UNICEF São Paulo, Brazil; 2Pedagogical University, Mozambique | 1.3 SESSION: Challenges in the face of the pandemic | |
227b | A Point of No Return? Gender and child?s motivation to stay in school at the time of covid-19 Pandemic | Andreea R. Torre1, Adriano Niquice2 | 1UNICEF, Mozambique, 2 Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, Moçambique | 7.2 SESSION: Poverty, deprivation, material well-being and inequality (communications in Portuguese) | |
238 | The Dual-factor model of mental health: findings from a south Brazilian sample | Aline Riboli Marasca1, Mauricio Scopel Hoffmann2, Anelise Reis Gaya1, Denise Ruschel Bandeira1 | 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; 2Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil | 1.5 SESSION: Measurement issues and rights related to child well-being (communications in Portuguese) | |
239 | The life and vulnerabilities trajectory of adolescent victims of homicide in Ceará | Daniele Jesus Negreiros1, Rui Rodrigues Aguiar1, Roger Silva Sousa1, Thiago de Holanda Altamirano1, Renato Roseno de Oliveira1, Joaquim José Correia de Araújo1, Maria Messiane de Sousa Vieira1, Stella Maris Nogueira Pacheco1 | 1Comitê de Prevenção e Combate à Violência, Brazil | 5.5 SESSION: Physical and mental health (communications in Portuguese) | |
240 | Children?s ?social skills? in a digitalized everyday world | Lisa Fischer1 | 1University of Technology Berlin, Germany | 5.3 SESSION: Subjective well-being, use of time and education | |
241 | How is poverty defined in research papers about neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood? Preliminary data from a systematic review | Pedro Vieweger1, Aline Riboli Marasca2, Izete Pengo Bagolin1 | 1Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 7.2 SESSION: Poverty, deprivation, material well-being and inequality (communications in Portuguese) | |
242 | What Makes Me? Age-related development of core capacities and their implications for child well-being and development practices | Dominic Richardson1, Sabbiana Cunsolo1 | 1UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Italy | 6.3 SESSION: Measurement Issues related to child well-being and understanding children´s lives | |
244 | Non-suicidal self-injury among school-aged adolescents: prevalence of and associated factors in southern | Sheila Gonçalves Câmara1, Mara Cristiane von Mühlen1 | 1Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Brazil | 5.5 SESSION: Physical and mental health (communications in Portuguese) | |
246 | Contributions of positive education to child well-being: scientific evidence | Claudia Hofheinz Giacomoni1 | 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 5.3 SESSION: Subjective well-being, use of time and education | |
25 | Religious affiliation, religiosity and parenting: comparison of Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Druze mothers in Israel | Rana Eseed1, Iris Zadok1, Mona Khoury-Kassabri1 | 1Hebrew University, Israel | 5.4 SESSION: Child-focused indicators of social trends and policies | |
32 | Integrating Arab caretakers in kibbutz kindergartens ? challenges and coping methods | Edith Blit Cohen1, Maya Galperin1 | 1Hebrew University, Israel | 3.4 SESSION: Subjective well-being and contexts of life (communications in Spanish) | |
33 | Community aspects of the multicultural kindergarten at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Hadar Kimchi-Yahav1, Edith Blit Cohen1, Dorit Roer-Strier1 | 1Hebrew University, Israel | 3.4 SESSION: Subjective well-being and contexts of life (communications in Spanish) | |
37 | The structure of children's subjective well-being | Shazly Savahl1, Ferran Casas2, Sabirah Adams1 | 1University of the Western Cape, South Africa; 2University of Girona, Spain | 1.1 SESSION: Cross-country approaches to child well-being and indicators | |
38 | Active search for needed adoptions tools: good for whom? | Alice Maggi1, Rejane Comin1, Bruna Krimberg Von Muhlen1 | 1Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brazil | 4.5 SESSION: Adoption, protection and hospitalization (communications in Portuguese) | |
49 | Perceived social support and subjective well-being on low-income mothers served by a child development support system during the covid-19 pandemic: a multiple case study | Rodrigo Quiroz Saavedra1 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2 | 4.4 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence (communications in Spanish) | |
50 | Combination of micro and macro practice: promoting well being of asylum seekers young children during the covid-19 pandemic | Hana Zur1, Edith Blit-Cohen1 | 1Hebrew University, Israel | 4.1 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence | |
54 | Family functioning and psychological well-being among parents and adolescents in new immigrant families in Israel | Maya Benish-Weisman1, Tania Konshina1, Einat Elizarov2, Saskia R. Vos3, Tae Kyoung Lee3, Seth Schwartz4 | 1Hebrew University, Israel; 2University of Haifa, Israel; 3University of Miami, USA; 4University of Texas, USA | 1.2 SESSION: Child well-being development practices | |
60 | How do material conditions affect the subjective well-being of Latin American children in Brazil and Chile? | Ana Loreto Ditzel1, Maria Josefina Chuecas1, Lívia Maria Bedin2, Javier Torres-Vallejos3, Alejandra Villarroel1, Mariavictoria Benavente1, Jaime Alfaro1; Jorge Castellá Sarriera2, Joel Juarros-Basterretxea4 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; 3Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile; 4Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain | 3.5 SESSION: Well-being, urban mobility and socio-demographic aspects | |
61 | Comparing Israeli and Chilean children's subjective well-being | Ana Loreto Ditzel1, Yuli Ketain Meiri2, Javier Torres-Vallejos3, Ferran Casas4, Asher Ben-Arieh2 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2Hebrew University, Israel; 3Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile; 4University of Girona, Spain | 1.1 SESSION: Cross-country approaches to child well-being and indicators | |
62 | The relevance of family support and conflict on life satisfaction and cyberbullying in adolescents during pandemic period | Matías E. Rodríguez-Rivas1; Jorge J. Varela1; Constanza Gonzalez1; María Josefina Chuecas1 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2 | 4.4 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence (communications in Spanish) | |
66 | Children?s fear of covid-19: associations with subjective and psychological well-being in South Africa | Sabirah Adams1, Shazly Savahl2 | 1University of the Cape Town, South Africa; 2University of the Western Cape, South Africa | 1.3 SESSION: Challenges in the face of the pandemic | |
67 | Barriers to access and participation among youth with a disability | Colleen Poon1, Annie Smith1, Katie Horton1, Maya Peled1 | 1McCreary Centre Society, Canada | 4.3 SESSION: Rights of children and adolescents | |
72 | Gender inequalities in violence exposure among adolescents: a population-based study | Colleen Poon1, Maya Peled1, Annie Smith1, Katie Horton1 | 1McCreary Centre Society, Canada | 6.1 SESSION: Maltreatment, violence and bullying | |
74 | Identifying health disparities: developing and applying measures of sexual identity and gender orientation for youth in British Columbia, Canada. | Katie Horton1, Annie Smith1, Maya Peled1, Colleen Poon1 | 1McCreary Centre Society, Canada | 6.3 SESSION: Measurement Issues related to child well-being and understanding children´s lives | |
75 | The double disadvantage: how family structure and gender/economic inequality shape child poverty in cross-national perspective | Spencer L. James1, Virginia K. Leiter1, Erin K. Holmes1, McKell A. Jorgensen-Wells1 | 1Brigham Young University, United States of America | 3.3 SESSION: Family, economic inequalities | |
76 | Impact of covid-19 on subjective well-being in adolescence in Chile: the relevance of family and school support | Matías E. Rodríguez-Rivas1, Jaime Alfaro1; Mariavictoria Benavente1; Tamara Cabrera1; Roberto Melipillán1 | 1Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile; 2 | 4.4 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence (communications in Spanish) | |
78 | Children?s and adolescents? subjective well-being during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: two data collections | Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo1, Ferran Casas2 | 1Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia; 2University of Girona, Spain | 1.3 SESSION: Challenges in the face of the pandemic | |
85 | The role of pets in youth?s subjective well-being | Maya Peled1, Annie Smith1, Katie Horton1, Colleen Poon1 | 1McCreary Centre Society, Canada | 5.3 SESSION: Subjective well-being, use of time and education | |
86 | Providing meaningful opportunities for youth to engage in evaluation design | Maya Peled1, Annie Smith1, Colleen Poon1; Katie Horton1 | 1McCreary Centre Society, Canada | 6.3 SESSION: Measurement Issues related to child well-being and understanding children´s lives | |
90 | Maintaining connection: a model for virtually engaging experiential young people in community-based research during covid-19 | Katie Horton1, Maya Peled1, Annie Smith1, Colleen Poon1 | 1McCreary Centre Society, Canada | 4.1 SESSION: Impacts of covid-19 on childhood and adolescence |